Master the Game: Your Club, Stronger in Detail
Integration, predictive analysis, and strategic decisions to maximize results in sports.

Turn Data into Victories with Khipo SportsHub
Developed for sports science, the platform offers an integrated and centralized approach to performance, health, and well-being analysis in sports, focusing on soccer. Combining nutrition data, physiotherapy, medical exams, and training monitoring, the solution provides connected insights for smarter and more strategic decision-making. Through integrations with devices such as Oura Ring, VALD, and Statsport, the platform captures, cross-references, and analyzes information in real-time, helping predict injuries, optimize training, and improve individual and team performance. Backed by Orlando City, the initiative pioneers an integrated ecosystem that analyzes the present to shape the future of sports.

Knowledge Applied in Areas That Transform Sports Performance
Wellness and High Performance
Advanced Medical Analysis
Sports Science

Experience Features That Set Khipo SportsHub Apart from Other Sports Platforms:
Monitor and adjust athletes' nutritional programs with detailed metrics such as body composition, hydration, and weight. Regular reports and personalized plans ensure a comprehensive approach, including supplementation and laboratory assessments to optimize performance.
Sport Science
Perform detailed monitoring of training and matches using cutting-edge technologies such as Bio Markers and Jumping Tests. Integration with devices like Oura Ring and GPS provides precise data to evaluate physical load and maximize player performance.
Track athletes' wellness scales and implement personalized strength and conditioning programs. The platform uses GPS data to create individual and team strategies, promoting greater resilience and injury prevention.
Automate medical exams and diagnostic tracking, providing a comprehensive and accurate view of players' health. The solution facilitates early problem detection and improves long-term medical care management.
Record, analyze, and understand injury causes using advanced Return-to-Play (RTP) protocols. With a robust integrated physiotherapy system, the platform helps speed up recovery and reduce the risk of future injuries.
Predictive Data and Insights
With a unique centralized information approach, the platform connects multiple data sources and uses predictive intelligence to guide strategic decisions. This ensures greater precision in managing training, health, and performance.
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Dúvidas Frequentes
A Khipo é referência em consultoria e integração de soluções tecnológicas, atendendo empresas de todos os portes e setores. Nosso propósito vai além de entregar código de qualidade: oferecemos soluções que agregam valor e impulsionam o sucesso de nossos clientes.
Com uma equipe de desenvolvedores altamente qualificados, atuamos em todas as etapas do ciclo de vida do projeto, desde a concepção até a implementação de estratégias, garantindo excelência e qualidade de ponta a ponta. Nossa expertise global já transformou mais de 80 empresas em três continentes, com mais de 350 projetos realizados na América do Sul, América do Norte, Europa e África.
Somos especialistas em áreas estratégicas como Web & Mobile Development, Data & AI, Games, Cloud Computing e Cybersecurity. Nossa atuação se estende por serviços de Outsourcing de TI, Projetos End-to-End, Team As-a-Service e Sustentação. Atendemos desde startups em crescimento até grandes empresas consolidadas no mercado internacional, abrangendo diversos setores, como varejo, agronegócio, financeiro, esportivo, têxtil, entre outros. Independentemente da indústria, nossas soluções são adaptadas para atender às demandas específicas de cada cliente.
Para adquirir nossos produtos, basta acessar a página específica do item desejado e clicar no botão disponível ao final da página. Você será redirecionado para a página de aquisição, onde poderá concluir o processo de forma segura.
A Khipo é especialista em oferecer soluções sob medida para empresas de diferentes portes e segmentos. Para explorar nossos principais cases de sucesso e descobrir algumas das marcas que confiam em nosso trabalho, visite nossa página de cases.
Frequently Questions
Khipo is a benchmark in technology consulting and solution integration, serving companies of all sizes and industries. Our mission goes beyond delivering quality code: we provide solutions that add value and drive our clients' success.
With a team of highly skilled developers, we operate at every stage of the project lifecycle, from conception to strategy implementation, ensuring excellence and quality from start to finish. Our global expertise has transformed over 80 companies across three continents, with more than 350 projects completed in South America, North America, Europe, and Africa.
We specialize in strategic areas such as Web & Mobile Development, Data & AI, Games, Cloud Computing, and Cybersecurity. Our services include IT Outsourcing, End-to-End Projects, Team As-a-Service, and Sustainment. We work with clients ranging from growing startups to large, established companies in the international market, covering various sectors such as retail, agribusiness, finance, sports, textiles, and more. Regardless of the industry, our solutions are tailored to meet each client’s specific needs.
To purchase our products, simply visit the specific page for the desired item and click the button available at the bottom of the page. You will be redirected to the purchase page, where you can complete the process quickly and securely.
Khipo specializes in providing tailor-made solutions for companies of various sizes and industries. To explore our main success stories and discover some of the brands that trust our work, visit our Case Studies page.