Automate Processes and Eliminate Barriers
A comprehensive solution for document validation and authentication with cutting-edge technology.

Optimize Your Business Processes with Khipo OCR
OCR is a powerful solution to optimize document processing. Combining generative artificial intelligence and advanced features, OCR identifies, extracts, and validates data automatically, eliminating manual processes and bringing agility to operations. Whether validating documents, performing facial authentication, or integrating government information, OCR offers a simplified and secure experience. Ideal for companies seeking scalability, cost reduction, and greater precision in information management. Revolutionize your document management and transform your operational processes.

Knowledge Applied in Areas That Transform Business Management:
Government Verification
Operational Efficiency
Fast and Reliable Authentication
Intelligent Document Validation

Revolutionize your document management and transform your operational processes.
Document Validation
Identify document types (e.g., ID cards, medical guides, business registration cards) and extract specific data quickly and accurately. OCR enables mass document validation, increasing scalability and reducing time spent on manual processes.
Facial Authentication
Easily and efficiently verify user identity. The system compares the photo on the submitted document with a real-time selfie, ensuring greater security and preventing identity fraud.
Ensure user authenticity with technology that verifies facial movements in real time. This feature enhances reliability and improves the customer experience by ensuring swift and secure processes.
Government Validation
Integrate with government databases, such as SERPRO, to consult and validate CPF and CNPJ information. Access precise data, including full name, date of birth, and compliance status, all in an automated and reliable manner.
Document Processing
Using generative artificial intelligence technology, OCR processes unstructured documents like utility bills, invoices, and medical guides. Flexible and scalable, customize the model to meet your business needs.
Process Optimization
Eliminate the need for manual processes by automating information extraction. With high accuracy, OCR reduces operational costs and delivers results efficiently and precisely.
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Dúvidas Frequentes
A Khipo é referência em consultoria e integração de soluções tecnológicas, atendendo empresas de todos os portes e setores. Nosso propósito vai além de entregar código de qualidade: oferecemos soluções que agregam valor e impulsionam o sucesso de nossos clientes.
Com uma equipe de desenvolvedores altamente qualificados, atuamos em todas as etapas do ciclo de vida do projeto, desde a concepção até a implementação de estratégias, garantindo excelência e qualidade de ponta a ponta. Nossa expertise global já transformou mais de 80 empresas em três continentes, com mais de 350 projetos realizados na América do Sul, América do Norte, Europa e África.
Somos especialistas em áreas estratégicas como Web & Mobile Development, Data & AI, Games, Cloud Computing e Cybersecurity. Nossa atuação se estende por serviços de Outsourcing de TI, Projetos End-to-End, Team As-a-Service e Sustentação. Atendemos desde startups em crescimento até grandes empresas consolidadas no mercado internacional, abrangendo diversos setores, como varejo, agronegócio, financeiro, esportivo, têxtil, entre outros. Independentemente da indústria, nossas soluções são adaptadas para atender às demandas específicas de cada cliente.
Para adquirir nossos produtos, basta acessar a página específica do item desejado e clicar no botão disponível ao final da página. Você será redirecionado para a página de aquisição, onde poderá concluir o processo de forma segura.
A Khipo é especialista em oferecer soluções sob medida para empresas de diferentes portes e segmentos. Para explorar nossos principais cases de sucesso e descobrir algumas das marcas que confiam em nosso trabalho, visite nossa página de cases.
Frequently Questions
Khipo is a benchmark in technology consulting and solution integration, serving companies of all sizes and industries. Our mission goes beyond delivering quality code: we provide solutions that add value and drive our clients' success.
With a team of highly skilled developers, we operate at every stage of the project lifecycle, from conception to strategy implementation, ensuring excellence and quality from start to finish. Our global expertise has transformed over 80 companies across three continents, with more than 350 projects completed in South America, North America, Europe, and Africa.
We specialize in strategic areas such as Web & Mobile Development, Data & AI, Games, Cloud Computing, and Cybersecurity. Our services include IT Outsourcing, End-to-End Projects, Team As-a-Service, and Sustainment. We work with clients ranging from growing startups to large, established companies in the international market, covering various sectors such as retail, agribusiness, finance, sports, textiles, and more. Regardless of the industry, our solutions are tailored to meet each client’s specific needs.
To purchase our products, simply visit the specific page for the desired item and click the button available at the bottom of the page. You will be redirected to the purchase page, where you can complete the process quickly and securely.
Khipo specializes in providing tailor-made solutions for companies of various sizes and industries. To explore our main success stories and discover some of the brands that trust our work, visit our Case Studies page.