Cloud Infrastructure
Web & Mobile Development
In this challenge, the deadline was less than 30 days, which was only possible with the partnership between Polishop and Khipo.
Jayro Caner - Head SI | Polishop

Polishop, founded in 1999, is a Brazilian omnichannel retailer, committed to offering innovative, quality solutions and products. It offers a complete range of interaction possibilities through a large network of communication, distribution and sales channels and is able to reach more than 180 million Brazilians.


Desafio de negócio

Business challenge

This project masterfully met the needs of consultation, accumulation and redemption of Stix points from the point of sale of Polishop stores and their Telemarketing.




Khipo is pleased to share the perfect integration between Polishop's legacy systems and the Stix loyalty points system APIs, a program used by renowned companies in the market and now, successfully, by Polishop. This exemplary collaboration between Polishop and Khipo demonstrates our ability to bring together technologically diverse systems, enabling a seamless and beneficial experience for customers. We believe that technology should be a facilitator of connections and opportunities, and this project is a solid example of how we turn this vision into reality.

Project conclusion


Project conclusion

One of the main results achieved was the significant improvement in the customer experience. Now, Polishop customers can check their Stix points and redeem them quickly and easily, both in physical stores and via Telemarketing. This strengthened Polishop's loyalty program, making it more attractive and advantageous for consumers.

Furthermore, the integration allowed for more efficient management of loyalty points, both for Polishop and Stix. This resulted in a better understanding of customer behavior and enabled the creation of more targeted and personalized campaigns, increasing the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Another point to highlight is the ability to adapt and unite technologically diverse systems, which demonstrates the ability of Khipo in facing complex challenges. This achievement not only strengthened the partnership between Polishop and Khipo, but also opened doors for future technological collaborations.